Experiencing a Short Continuous Movement
Before you are two visually identical video clips.
The first video clip is accompanied by a general depiction of the continual movement – one which is the set subject of keeping the fingers of both hands interwoven throughout the exercise:
Beginning in a laying down position on your back, through transitioning to laying from side to side and up to rising to a standing position by sitting knees to feet.
Yosefa Michaeli highlights the objective by raising questions and widening the scope of a few typical aspects that form part of Body
Cognition’s alphabet.
1st video accompanied by an audio description by Yosefa Michaeli:
“In this short video, we just mark the movements without repeating them, unlike in a typical Body-Cognition lesson.
The film shows a sequence of movements in which the fingers are kept interwoven throughout, while the body changes positions: various laying positions which end in an erect standing position.
Interwoven fingers pose an extreme restriction – it’s quite similar to carefully holding something with both hands in everyday life, but while carrying a tray we do not change so many body positions.
We shall notice how the interwoven fingers affect the base of the hand, the elbow and the shoulder joint.
What could happen between the palms of our hands and the knee?
How much does one movement lead to the next?
How can we keep an even pace despite the rising difficulty?
One can’t notice the change in the degree of difficulty since the pace is constant.
The movement is even and smooth and there is a persistent nice “game” of which body part or muscle group is leading and which is being led.
The breathing is very much uniform, not stipulated by the difficulty of the movements.
Presented here are some ideas such as how the left elbow leads to the opening of the left leg; the difference between turning the palms of the hands upward or towards the head.
There is nothing extravagant in this movement, it is converged in tuned to the quality.
In order to keep an erect posture while the fingers are intertwined, all the rules – such as concaving the lumbar area, while lowering the shoulders, are followed.
Once an erect posture is achieved, the fingers are slowly disentangled and the arms gently brought down.”
The second video clip enables you to perform the exercise along with Yosefa, while listening to her movement instructions.
Repeat the continuous movement several times until it becomes familiar and the quality of movement continues to improve.
Attempt emulating the exercise before you in a uniform fashion so that an outside spectator will not be able to notice the various degrees of difficulties between the different movements and the transitions in between.
Pay attention to whether the repetition of the continuous movement renders the task more efficient, have you already learned to anticipate two moves ahead and time the movement accordingly?
It is imperative that we will be able to get down on the floor and get back up. Some of you may find it difficult or won’t be able to transition to a standing position without untangling your fingers. Accept it and try to understand where you must soften the body in order to be successful – soften, not harden.
The movement is not extravagant, it is composed of familiar, everyday movements, but here a restriction of the interwoven
fingers is imposed, with the aim of developing capacity.
2nd video: accompanied by Yosefa Michaeli’s movement description
“Try to execute this assortment of movements while lying straight on your back; the palms meet and the fingers and intertwine facing the ceiling. Keep the fingers interwoven while distancing the elbows, taking the hands to the right without rolling over following the hands – the right elbow cannot straighten by lifting towards the ceiling. By lifting the hands toward the ceiling return the palms to the chest and move them to the left.
Go back with your hands to the chest; gathering knees to chest with hands to ceiling; bring down your hands and hold the knees with the shoulder blades drawn back. Open the right leg sideways while the interwoven hands hold the left leg; try to bring back the leg without any momentum; move the hands to the right knee, spread the left leg, trying not to detach the right shoulder– until it is intentionally lifted and the hands are no longer holding the knees, lay on your left side.
Bend the right elbow towards the ceiling pulling backwards while lowering the right shoulder until the right leg spreads, and with the straitening of the hands roll your body to the right, one leg after the other, reaching a closed lying position on our side.
Drag the left elbow on the floor opening the chest, raise one leg after the other, stretching your hands upwards; collecting the head and bringing the elbows close to the knees, suspending your position, breathing, inhaling and exhaling; go back and roll to the right in a way which will enable you to reach a knees to feet sitting position; lift the knees while leaning on the palms of your hands, lift the pelvis bringing your tail forward to an erect position with your interwoven hands facing up.
Pay close attention to the breathing, make sure it’s not disrupted.
Unhurriedly lower the hands to your sides until they are all the way down.
Straight, standing erect.”